The wire guided service lift from Avanti is a vertical access solution in which service lifts are guided on wires. The flexible wire guiding ensures that the service lift is steered smoothly through the openings in the wind turbine platforms with a few centimetres between the service lift and platform.
The service lift cabin is constructed using seawater resistant aluminum. Its design is optimized to minimize its weight and to be used in harsh environments such as near shore and offshore turbines.
The wire guided service lift operates completely independently of the safety ladder system in the tower. The service lift traction wire, safety wire and two guiding wires are installed on the suspension beam which is placed on the top of the turbine tower.
These two guiding wires are mounted and tightened in the basement of the turbine tower with tensioners. The electric cable of the lift is housed in a collect bin in the basement of the tower. The cable coils up in the bin when the lift is descending. When the turbine is in operation and the service lift is not used the electric cable remains coiled which means that there is no risk of wear or damage on it due to oscillation and vibrations caused by the turbine sway. We also offer a travelling cable system for these lifts.
The lift only moves when all doors are closed. The lift is operated with a hold to run control. Safe operation of the lift is our highest priority.
Stop and Go anywhere in the tower. Perform repairs or exit the lift anywhere in the tower to perform inspections and maintenance.
Emergency descend functions also during a power loss. The cabin can be lowered slowly and safely to the bottom of the tower.
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